ARM Cortex A9 CPU subsystem

Processor subsystem based on the processor ARM Cortex A9, and has a dual-core configuration.

Key Features:

Each core has the following features:

  • ARM v7 processor with a clock frequency of 600 MHz
  • 32K L1 Instruction Cache parity
  • 32 KB L1 data cache parity
  • Built-in FPU operations for single and double precision data scalar floating-point
  • The memory management unit (MMU)
  • Instruction set support for ARM, Thumb2 and Thumb2-EE
  • Program Trace Macrocell (PTM) and CoreSight © component for software debugging
  • 32-bit timer with 8-bit divisor
  • The internal watchdog (also works as a timer)

Dual core configuration completes a common set of components:

  • Snoop Control Unit (SCU) for controlling communication between processes, cache memory and cache memory and transfer RAM, cache coherency
  • Shared interrupt control unit (GCA) is configured to support 128 independent interrupt sources with software configurable priorities and routing between the two nuclei
  • 64-bit global timer with an 8-bit divisor
  • Accelerator coherence port (ACP)
  • Support for parity for fault detection performance for other internal memories
  • 512 KB single 8-way associative L2 cache with ECC support
  • L2 cache controller based on ARM PL310 IP released
  • Dual asynchronous 64-bit AMBA 3 AXI interface with the ability to filter on the second use one port to access DDR memory
  • JTAG-interface and monitor port: debug and trace may be prohibited by OTP


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